
Phlebotomy Requirements Florida

Phlebotomy requirements for Florida does not certify phlebotomists through a State sanctioned license. Phlebotomists can still get certified through a national certification as an alternative. Many healthcare facilities look at national phlebotomy certification as a credential for knowledge and continuing education in place of a State license. However, each facility has its own set of requirements.

Some facilities may have requirements in regard to the number of documented “live” venipuncture sticks. For example, some labs require a minimum of 100 document venipuncture sticks before being eligible to apply for employment.

Many schools offer to certify students after phlebotomy training through issue of a certificate of completion or diploma, and/or offer a National Certification examination. For example, Southern Technical Institute hosts the National Healthcareer Association (NHA ) for Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT) examination at our campuses. Phlebotomy requirements Florida are based on each facility need. STI encourages students that are interested in Phlebotomy, to check out the specific requirements for each type of lab or facility of occupational interest.

Once you become nationally certified, it is important that you keep your certification renewed and up to date if you are looking to remain competitive in your field.

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